The other night we were driving back from Eugene, and I found some long-lost iphone photos on Adam's phone that make me smile:
Who is that cute baby in the mirror? |
It's cool guys, I'll just take five right here...
Mommy's lovebug
Somebody's super happy, especially for being put in the pack n' play aka baby jail!
Hanging with Ryan
Play hard, nap hard
We didn't do much for the 4th of July. Our neighbors started doing street fireworks the weekend before, and though I love fireworks and fully support such fun, it was a different story this year trying to put a baby to sleep with them going off all hours of the night for days on end. We basically padded James's room with as much white noise as we could muster (ceiling fan, bathroom fan, white noise machine) and he actually slept pretty well once he was asleep. We spent the afternoon berry picking with friends out on Sauvie Island, and came home with quite a bounty. Strawberries were pretty much over but we picked blueberries and raspberries and ate a ton along the way. James hung out in the stroller and the Ergo and even helped me pick a few.
Is there anything better than a sunny day with your kids and bowlfuls of fresh raspberries?
The end result of our berry adventure - homemade blueberry applesauce!
By evening we had nothing in the house to eat and we were all starving. We ventured out to the comic book store and decided to stop at Starbucks on the way home. I really am starting to enjoy just the fun, ordinary moments we have as a family of three like this. We were the only ones there (because really, no one goes to Starbucks on the 4th of July) and had fun together just sitting on the patio having some icy coffee drinks and watching James look at the cars going by.

No frappucino for James, but he did enjoy his prunes.
Adam and his little buddy
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