Friday, February 10, 2012

My how time has flown by

Time is just flying by so quickly these days, it's rare that I have much time to sit down and blog - but I am up late writing tonight as there is so much I want to jot down and remember. Our family is doing great these days. (oh, how I love saying family and having it mean the three of us!) James is 11 weeks old now, and has changed so much I barely feel like I can keep up. The joy I feel watching him grow and thrive is indescribable. He has stolen our hearts and we are so incredibly in love with our sweet boy. It seems as though with each new stage there are new joys and new challenges..and it all happens so fast. Our lives pretty much revolve around him, which I think is okay - we wouldn't want it any other way and are cherishing every day. I wrote out some fun facts about James at this stage for his grandparents and will share with you as well.

At 11 weeks, James:
  • Smiles often, which melts our hearts. I will pretty much do anything to get him to smile. (And we do some funny things...make up nonsensical songs, kiss his cheeks over and over, and do silly faces like you wouldn't believe.)
  • Is 15 lbs. and 24 inches long - in the 90th percentile for height/weight and is growing healthy and strong! He is wearing 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
  • Has recently started wanting to put things in his mouth - though doesn't have the dexterity to so which frustrates him - and sucks on his fingers often. He is starting to drool quite a bit and gets cute bubbles that just sit on his lips.
  • Shrieks, squeals with delight, screams, and makes a whole assortment of vowel sounds. He absolutely delights at hearing his new sounds, which are especially loud in our kitchen with vaulted ceilings. His babbles are more responsive to us and on several occasions we've had "conversations" together where we talk to him and smiles and "talks" right back.
  • Goes to bed between 7-8 most nights, will usually sleep for 4-6 hours (yes!), and 2-3 hour stretches thereafter until around 6. He gets swaddled in a special wrapping blanket (the Miracle Blanket) and sleeps in his Fisher Price Rock n' Play next to us every night. I am dreading the day he outgrows these things as they have been life-savers.
  • Loves his baths. We usually do it as a part of his bedtime routine. Recently getting out of the bath has gotten easier as he's more used to the process, so sometimes after drying him off I'll sing to him and put on lotion and do a little baby massage.
  • Is still exclusively breastfed and thriving on his diet.
  • Is super cuddly and much prefers to be in our arms than any other place.
  • Likes to hang out in his bouncer, his activity gym, or blankets in the kitchen while I clean and cook. Is starting to like his swing more and today napped in it for 45 minutes.
  • Is hit or miss with his carseat. When he's had a good long nap and is well-fed, he tends to do much better. He prefers for the car to be moving and start/stop driving around town seems to upset him much more than the freeway.
  • Cries and fusses much less than he did at 1 month and 2 months of age. Is getting to be more content and can entertain himself for longer stretches.
  • Doesn't particularly enjoy "tummy time" but is doing great at holding his head up for short stretches.
  • Is pretty adorable when he wakes up. He'll start rubbing his face with his hands, then curl up in a "C" shape with his back inverted and crane and stretch his neck out. He usually wants to be held and be warm for awhile after waking and will sometimes bury his face into our chests and then peer out. It's one of my very favorite things.
Some of you know that at his 2-month appointment, James was referred for some special diagnostic testing of his head due to its large size. His head has grown at a fast rate (like the rest of his body) and his doctor wanted to make sure all was normal, so we went to Oregon Health Sciences University and underwent an MRI to scan his brain. The test itself wasn't very fun (for James, who cried the whole time and for mommy, who held his head still and also cried) but we were grateful to learn that his brain is fine as his results came back "unremarkable." I was quite worried and distraught and really appreciated a lot of support from our family and friends who were there for us during that time. It gave me some perspective; the hardships until that time (sleep deprivation, soothing James when he's been super fussy, etc.) seemed so trivial. I am grateful beyond words for our healthy family. On a lighter note, yes, our baby just has a big head. And a cute one at at that.

In other news, we are loving being in Oregon close to our family, friends, and other admirers. :) His Uncle Chris, Aunt Eri, and cousin Yuri visited from California and we've traveled to Eugene to spend a few weekends with his Nana and Grandpa (Adam's parents). I'm really lucky to be able to see my parents often; I usually spend a day with my mom once a week and get to see my dad most weekends as he stays with his girlfriend here. One of the greatest aspects of parenthood is seeing the joy that James brings to our entire family. He is so cherished and we are so happy he has been lovingly embraced by everyone.

James also took his first trip to the "beach" this past month, and anyone who has visited the Oregon coast will know why I put word beach in quotations. Actually, for being January and all, it was a gorgeous sunny weekend at the coast. James also did great on the car ride and slept most of the way, which was good since the drive is about 2.5 hours through the forest with limited places to stop along the way. We stayed with my dad, his girlfriend and her son at a beach house and had a great time sitting in the hot tub, eating good food, playing games and vegging out together. We took James on a few long walks along the beach and he seemed to enjoy feeling the sea air and the sights and sounds of the ocean. On our last night, we went out to watch a beautiful sunset over the water and James had his nighttime nursing on a big piece of driftwood with me in the sand. It was so much fun to do something new with him and show him the big world out there.

Also this month, I accepted a new job as an on-call medical social worker with a large healthcare organization in Portland that operates five hospitals in the metro area. I think it will be an excellent opportunity for me to start with a great company and potentially move into a more regular, benefited position in the future. For now, it will offer a great deal of flexibility as I can choose which shifts I want to work, and I will get to cover all hospital units and service areas so it should be very interesting work. I love being a social worker; it's a part of my identity and fulfills my life to do the work. Also, not going to lie - the extra paychecks will really be helpful. I'm glad I got the job though it's going to very hard to leave my baby and be away from him all day. We are lucky in that for now, Adam will be caring for James while I'm gone and I'll know he's in the best hands. So, in just one week, I'll be toting my breastpump, planner, purse, and doning my high heels once again to take on the world as a working mom. Wish me luck!

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