It's now the middle of March - two days before St. Patrick's Day - and I can hardly believe it's spring. We had a really mild winter here in Portland but did have few snow showers the last few weeks. Generally speaking though, I'm very surprised by how warm Oregon is - I remember it being freezing this time of year. There have been many beautiful sunny days and clear nights. Just this week I started noticing green shoots coming through in the garden beds and budding blossoms on the cherry trees. I love that James's birth and babyhood has coincided so nicely with the seasons. He was born on a dark, cold night (well, early morning) and all winter long we've enjoyed being at home, cuddling and loving and nurturing him. (I've come to think winter is really the best possible time to have a baby, as it's the perfect time to stay inside and hole up, which is exactly what we've done.) Now that it's spring, James is truly starting to bloom just like the flowers and trees and everything else around here.
I'm also feeling nostalgic about spring because it was just this time last year I learned I was pregnant with our sweet boy. I don't know that I'll ever be able to articulate the feelings I had on that day, except just to say it was a beautiful, life-changing moment. I cried; not just happy or sad tears, but tears of wonderment and feeling terrified and being excited and giddy all at once. So much has happened in this past year that remembering that day feels like a lifetime ago. I had no idea back then that in only one year's time, I would be sitting in our little Portland house listening to the rain and looking over at James, sleeping like an angel next to me. It has been everything I imagined, and everything I could never have imagined.

At 3 months, James is very interested in the world around him and prefers to be held upright so he can see what's happening and try his best to interact with his environment.
James in his sleep sack. Many of his favorite toys are made by Baby Einstein and were a Christmas present from his great-grandma Janet. There are 7 or 8 toys which can be held together by these plastic, colorful links. Predictably, out of all the toys the links are probably the biggest hit of all.

It's true - James is losing his hair. His head is so soft. It seems as though he's starting to get some blond hair growing in. Both my brother and Adam (who have very dark hair) were blond little boys so we're wondering if James will be also.

Happiness is a full belly.
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