Wow, the biggest year for Adam & I so far - our first year being parents - has come to a close. As my dad sometimes says, that's a chapter in the book that will never be opened again. So much of it is such a blur. Even though I know Adam & I are insane with picture-taking (as this blog will be testament to), but I still wish I remembered more than I do. I have a hard time even getting a decent photo of this guy that isn't blurry lately.
Anyway, my apologies for the blog being a baby photo-centric outlet lately. I am planning to use an online service and put some of the blog into a photo book someday, so for the immediate future, sorry to be boring. Anyway, in the meantime, here are some favs from this month.

Napping on nana in Eugene. Adam's parents often get up early and take care of James when we visit so we can get a little extra sleep in the morning. Now that James is older he doesn't fall asleep on us much anymore, but when he does, I love it. I love cradling his little toddler body, smelling his hair, and looking down at his sweet angel face. One of my favorite memories of James & his nana is from back when James was just a few weeks old. Unlike most newborns (or at least those I hear about), James never slept for more than 5-6 continuous hours until he was 6 weeks old. We were totally exhausted and desperately in need of extra rest. It was early evening, and James had fallen asleep on his nana on the living room couch, so I decided to head into their guest room to take a nap myself. I expected Adam would come get me in an hour or so letting me know it was time to nurse James and get back up. But I slept for a few hours, woke naturally (which never happened) and then crept out into the dark living room and there Elaine was, stroking James's back and still holding my sweet babe. She said he had stirred a few times but otherwise kept sleeping as long as she didn't stop with the back rubs. Anyone who knows Adam would quickly recognize James very much takes after his dad in that way.

Our superman with Mr. Bear. Ready to conquer the world! Or, at least to conquer bedtime.
Practicing with his party hat for his big day.
Lunch with a view.
Again, more with the blurry pictures...our man is always on the move.
James and his bear. He adores the thing, sleeps with it at every nap and every night, and carries it all around the house. Lord help us if we ever lose it!